Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Flashing Lights Greet Governor in Alamogordo!

Arriving at the Eagles Hall in Alamogordo for my meeting with the Club, I was meeting with flashing lights from several trucks and a large group of men. Recognizing Ed Cole, backbone of the Alamogordo club I got excited that he had planned some special greeting. My excitement was quickly dashed as Ed walked over and explained that earlier in the week the water main had broken swallowing a small car and cutting off service to the Hall. Ed had explained the importance of getting the main fixed as the Governor was arriving shortly for a noon meeting. The city crew worked hard all morning restoring service to the building, only to have their excitement dashed just as quickly as mine when Ed realized they were expecting Bill Richardson and not Dick Jones.

My excitement was not dashed when I meet with the club. It was easy to see why Immediate Past District Governor Tom Lindsay had chosen the Rotary Club of Alamogordo as District 5520’s Club of the Year. The club places a great emphasis membership, having already inducted several new members by the 3rd week of July. The club conducts a new member orientation and their “Rotarian in Need” program sends cards and flowers to members that are ill.

The club is a long time supporter of a Juarez orphanage. Each week Al and Charlene Wood bring bags of rice and beans to the meeting. Club members take the bags home, cook them and bring them back to the next meeting. Al and Charlene load the food into their truck and transport them to Juarez.

The Club also sponsor’s a Rotary Little League, this year they were getting ready to play in the State final tournament.

The club is also a sponsor, along with the Tularosa and White Sands Rotary Clubs, of the annual Wine and Music Fest. This event showcasing New Mexico wines, local artist and featuring live music all day is held in conjunction with the White Sands Balloon Invitational.

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