Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Rotary Community Corps Runs Food Pantry
Monday, November 16, 2009
Open Letter from District 5520's Ambassadorial Scholar
Recently Andres sent a letter and some photographs that I would like to share with the District.
It's been two months since I arrived, and I can already tell that this is going to be the most memorable year of my life. When I arrived the Rotarians graciously picked me up at the train station and took me to my dorm. After a day of sleeping, and overcoming jetlag, I started a week and a half long orientation program at the university; I've been busy ever since.
Neuchâtel is a charming city of about 30,000 people on the shores of Lake Neuchâtel. On a clear day, I can see the snow capped Alps in the distance. Every day I take the bus to the train station to catch an underground tram that drops me off just under campus. Campus sits on the beach of the lake. In September, when it was still about 75 degrees, my friends and I would sit on the beach after class. I'm taking classes in French, English, and Spanish, and am really enjoying them. Every Tuesday, the Rotary Club of Neuchâtel invites me to the Hôtel du Peyrou, the beautiful building where they meet, to have a three course lunch complete with wine and coffee. I really couldn't ask for more. My hosts are gracious and the food is amazing
I've had the opportunity to travel all over Switzerland. I've been to Geneva, Lausanne, Montreux, Schaffhausen, Lucerne, and Zürich. I hope that some of you can come visit! The Rotarians here would be more than glad to have y'all!
Thanks again,
The purpose of the Ambassadorial Scholarships program is to further international understanding and friendly relations among people of different countries and geographical areas. While abroad, scholars serve as goodwill ambassadors to the host country and give presentations about their homelands to Rotary clubs and other groups. Upon returning home, scholars share with Rotarians and others the experiences that led to a greater understanding of their host country.
To learn more about Rotary District 5520’s Ambassadorial program visit Dates for 2010 will be posted very soon.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Zone Institute Reception for DGN
The Zone Institute and District Governor Nominee Training are the first of several required trainings to prepare Bobby to serve as District 5520’s Governor in 2011-2012. During the Institute, Tim attended his District Governor-elect’s Training. Both Tim and Bobby will attend the International Assembly in San Diego the January prior to taking office in July.
Friday, October 02, 2009
GSE Team to Philippines Chosen
The Team will be leaving April 12th for their month long tour of District 3870, but in the meantime they will spend many hours together learning the culture of the Philippines and preparing their presentation about themselves and District 5520 for the Clubs’ they visit.
Thanks to Donna Pedace and the selection committee for their efforts selecting our wonderful team.
We have received word on the composition of the inbound team from the Philippines and will soon be receiving their complete bios. The Team representing District 3870 will be composed of a public health doctor, human resource officer, an entrepreneur and a Catholic priest. The team will be lead by a corporate attorney.
I’m looking forward to learning more about the team, meeting them on their arrival and presenting them to the District Conference.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Belen Discusses New Ideas for Membership
Friday, September 25, 2009
I should have stopped at Starbucks!
The Rio Rancho Sunrise is one of the newer clubs in the District, but they have already become an stimulating club. President Mac rang the club to order and introduced the Rotarian of the Day, Karen Delle Site . The Rotarian of the Day offers the invocation, leads the pledge and introduces the speaker. The club was excited that their first Rotary Youth Exchange Student would be arriving in a few days. Membership chair Michael Smith inducted a new member that morning and announced 3 more would be inducted the following week. I had a great visit to the Rio Rancho Rotary Club. My visit was made even more special by a large group from the District Leadership Team that offered their support by attended the meeting…PDG Rick and Roz Akins, DGN Bobby Wallace, LG Bill Lowen and AG Bill Rothweiler.
Note to self…Next visit to Rio Rancho Sunrise STOP at Starbucks first!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Richard Slaton Jones 1921 - 2009

Dad had been living in an assisted care facility for the past two years, which improved his health and quality of life. I had been able to visit him frequently. Although he didn’t remember a lot of things, each time I visited he would ask me about getting his driver’s license renewed and “How’s that Rotary job of yours’ going?”
The weekend before he entered the hospital he was able to attend a family reunion in Lubbock, something he always enjoyed. I was able to be with him during his last days in the hospital, for which I am very grateful!
Dad was a Veteran of WWII, a quite and gentle man, and a man who taught me how much service to ones fellow man enriches our own lives.
Monday, September 14, 2009
GSE Team Leader Selected

Prior to moving to New Mexico, Lisa earned a BA in International Relations from the University of Michigan, an MS in Foreign Service from the Georgetown School of Foreign Service. She worked for the Office of Management and Budget, and was appointed by President Clinton as Chief Economist, Policy Planning Staff, for the U.S. State Department.
Now it is a critical that all Club and District leaders concentrate their efforts on identifying potential candidates to participate in the GSE program. Candidates must be 25-40 years old, with three years in their profession and not a directly related to a Rotarian. Additional information is available at or by e-mailing GSE Chair Donna Pedace at
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Rotary Club of Carrizozo Has Big Impact in Community
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Flashing Lights Greet Governor in Alamogordo!
The club is a long time supporter of a Juarez orphanage. Each week Al and Charlene Wood bring bags of rice and beans to the meeting. Club members take the bags home, cook them and bring them back to the next meeting. Al and Charlene load the food into their truck and transport them to Juarez.
The Club also sponsor’s a Rotary Little League, this year they were getting ready to play in the State final tournament.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Ruidoso's Unique Food Collection Project
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Inspiration, Dedication, and Membership Highlight Roswell Visit
During my visit with the Roswell Sunrise Club, I had the opportunity to hear Frank and Jolene Lilley tell the amazing story of their son Air Force Staff Sgt. Scott Lilley’s incredible recovery from a head wound received when a roadside bomb exploded outside Baghdad in April 2007. Told that he probably would not survive the wound, Dennis has fully recovered and returned to active duty. Also during the meeting, the Club presented the Vietnam Veterans of New Mexico with a check for $5000 to support their veterans’ transportation program. Veterans from the Roswell area are provided free transportation to clinics in Lubbock, Amarillo, Big Springs, and Albuquerque.
The Pecos Valley Club had readings on of five new members that will be installed in August. The club is also busy working on the Sun Country Classic Golf Tournament. This tournament is sponsored by the three Roswell Rotary Clubs, and funds equipment purchases for the Boys and Girls Club of Roswell, books to Africa, and Adopt-a-Family Christmas program. It was also a pleasure to have an opportunity to visit with PDG Paul Herring during lunch.
My visit to the Rotary Club of Roswell was highlighted when Club President Betty Long presented me a check for $5000 on behalf of Polio Plus. The Club has supported Polio Plus since the program’s inception. I also had the privilege to induct two new members, Cindy Torrez and Mary Bryant during my visit to the Club and recognize the new member sponsors Bill Liakos and Bob Maples with the presentation of their sponsor pins.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tri-Club Reception Welcomes Governor
Thursday morning I meet with the Tres Rios Club. chartered in February 2008, they are starting their year of service under the leadership of Dennis Ivie. During the meeting, Dennis presented Immediate Past President John Tata a plaque for his year of service as chartering president. The club's goals for the year are building membership, increasing fellowship opportunities, and building visibility in the community.
At noon, I visited the Rotary Club of Farmington. Mark Biel has established a challenging membership goal for his club - increasing the membership by 10 to 62. Mark also stated that he wants to work with the other presidents to have "One Rotary Club in Farmington with three meeting times."
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tri-District Conference - August 7th & 8th
The Tri-District Conference is coming soon - August 7th and 8th in El Paso, TX. This year we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the international partnership established to provide Rotary fellowship and service opportunities across the
This year the conference will address the importance of preserving our 20-year old international partnership and how this partnership can flourish for at least the next 20 years.
Because The Rotary Foundation has severely reduced its portion of the matching funds available, the three District Governors agreed that moving the conference to August was needed to increase our chances to receive a portion of these funds. To offset a portion of this reduction in available funds, District 5520 has increased the budgeted amount from District funds.
Please participate because we can’t get it done without you! Register now at
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Gallup Awards Scholarships Totaling $18,000
Friday, July 17, 2009
First Club Visit to Grants
Monday, July 06, 2009
District Governor's Installation

I was honored last Saturday evening when PDG Henry Pick served as the Installing Officer at my installation as Governor of District 5520. Henry entertained us with that exceptional blend of humor and ceremony that is uniquely Henry. PDG Henry also inducted the presidents of the three Santa Fe Rotary Clubs; Tim Butler, Joe Player & Carl Luff.
District Governor Tom Lindsey offered his words of encouragement and presented Tim Butler with the “Governor’s Home Club” banner. Tom then presented me with the DG pin. DGE Tim Parker and DGN Bobby Wallace where also presented pins representing their offices.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Welcome to the District 5520 Governor's Blog
As we kickoff the new Rotary year, we’re also kicking off a new forum for communication - the Governor’s Blog. I’ll be making regular postings to this site as I’m out and about in District 5520. I’ll be reporting on club visits and events, District activities and items that call for action from the clubs. The blog will contain the same type of information that the District newsletter contained, just in a different format. I want to give a special “Thank You” to Jean Constant for all the time and effort he has dedicated to District 5520 as District Newsletter editor and for all the work he has devoted to designing this site and teaching me how to blog. Thank you, Jean!
In addition to the regular Governor’s posting, the blog site will contain direct links to many pages on the web sites for the District and Rotary International. District chairs will be posting timely information on these direct links, so be sure to check them first.
If you have any comments, please share them.
It is the vision of the 2009-2010 Leadership Team to “Provide support and resources for every member to understand, achieve, sustain and share Service Above Self.” District 5520 exists to support the clubs within New Mexico and West Texas and serve as a conduit between the clubs and RI.
As the new Rotary year begins, there are many announcements affecting programs and services. The first blog postings will contain these announcements, district schedules, application deadlines, and reports and photos as I start my club visits. Bookmark this site and check back for the latest from District 5520. Next report - the Governor’s Installation in Santa Fe.