Thursday, December 09, 2010

RC of West El Paso Christmas Party 12-8-10

O.V. #54 RC of El Paso Vista Hills 12-8-10

President Norm isn't afraid of tossing out the jokes, course or not, he's still going to bring em.  Good sense of humor and has recently entered the realm of cancer survivor (while taking treatments as President).  This club is in growth mode and have a very good attitude about it.  Very welcoming group and have many organizational things in place now to ensure future success as they recruit new folks.  Norm even during treatment, was still calling and sending emails.  Good job keeping communication lines open between the district and the club.  This group has also chartered a new 88 person interact club

President Norm and TP

LG Jimmy, PDG Jackie, AG Jessie, and DG TP - BIG thank you district leaders for your support and friendship!

O.V. #53 RC of El Paso Sunrise 12-8-10

Nothing like the energy of a morning club and this club has it a plenty.  They are doing a lot for their size and really progressive in some of their marketing/PR efforts.  President Adolpho has charged his club with evolving, asking tough questions, and the club is benefiting from the process.  If you are a morning person, this is a great place to make up.

President Adolpho leading the charge!

New member induction

O.V. #52 RC of Silver City 12-7-10

President Christy has a good thing going in Silver City.  A very welcoming group and active in their community.  This club meets on the college campus and it has helped their membership by attracting university administration and instructors.  The reception the night before the meeting took an interesting turn during the 'lightening round' of questions.  They got a blush out of me for sure.  Great club for a make up and lots of history sitting around every table.  Thanks guys for everything.  And we will be seeing the majority of you at the District Convention!

President Christy and TP

O.V. #51 RC of Texico-Farwell 12-1-10

Interesting difference an hour can make.  Half of the club is in Texas, the other half New Mexico.  Meeting is at noon Texas time, 11 New Mexico time.  This creates an interesting challenge in attracting members in that some folks can't get off work at 11 from the New Mexico side, BUT, this club is working around that.  VERY hospitable club, lots of fun, and very active in their community.  Another good club for a make up!  Keep up the good work President David.

President David and TP

Board meeting

RI mishap with 50 year award, Farwell is in Texas

O.V. #50 RC of Santa Rosa 11-30-10

President Dawson is doing a good job in Santa Rosa, a very active club in their community.  Santa Rosa is another club looking for quality members in a tough economy.  I heard a young gentleman speak who has been clean from drugs for the past 11 3/4 months due to efforts and encouragement from club members.  We also inducted a new member.  Very historical restaurant, good food, a club worthy of a make up.  Great job guys and keep up the good work!

Laute, 60 plus years in Rotary, TP, 12

President Dawson and TP

Board meeting