At today’s meeting of the Rotary Club of Santa Fe, I was presented with my Past District Governor’s pin by PDG Henry Pick. It was wonderful having Henry make the presentation as Henry had conducted my installation a little over a year ago. He is the most senior of District 5520’s PDGs, having served in 1981-1982. Henry has been a mentor and strong supporter of my Rotary career. I will use him as a measure of my service as a Past District Governor.
This is the last blog I will be writing in this forum. I want to express my sincere gratitude to the District’s 2009-2010 Leadership Team for their support throughout our year of service. Without them we would not have been able to realize the accomplishments we did. And again, a special thank you to Pat Murray and her outstanding District Conference Committee for making the 2010 District Conference the best ever. I also want to thank the Clubs of District 5520 for making each and every club visit a memorable and enjoyable event. They provided me the opportunity to learning how Rotarians across the District are serving their communities. Those visits were truly the highlight of my year as District Governor.
And finally, I want to thank Lorraine for her continued support and love. I couldn’t have done it without her.
Thank you, District 5520 for giving me this incredible experience!
Dick Jones
District 5520 Governor
2009 - 2010