The Ambassadorial Scholarship selection was held on Saturday, August 6. I had the opportunity to meet both candidates the evening before at a dinner gathering. Arik Kotkowski is a 21 year old student looking to furher his studies at the University of Singapore. Lorely Ramirez Mravetz is a 31 year immigration attorney looking to further her studies at Tel Aviv University. Both of these candidates possessed impressive resumes and were highly qualified. It was hard to select only one candidate, but in the end, the scholarship was awarded to Arik Kotkowski. Thank you to Norm Liss, Chairman of the Ambassadorial Scholarship Committee, for all of his hard work in setting up the interview process and keeping the committee informed. Great job Norm!
Ambassadorial Scholarship Dinner |
Candidates Arik Kotkowski and Lorely Ramirez Mravetz |
Ambassadorial Scholrship Receipient Arik Kotkowski |
Ambassadorial Scholarship Comittee with the two candidates |