Sunday, October 21, 2012

Official Visit # 43, Fort Sumner
October 10, 2012

I met early in the morning with this club.  This is a small club.  Three of the five members of this club were in attendance.  We discussed the club and the community and how this club can generate membership.  We also looked at the community and the effect this club has on the community.

We talked about the relevance of the club and the individuals in the town of Fort Sumner.  During the discussion, it was shared that youth is a huge part of the service of this club.  We looked into the possibilities of this club becoming more involved in the educational process at the school, working with the kids and thereby exciting the community in the efforts of Rotary.  We discussed Interact and Earlyact.

As I left this club, I was very thrilled that this club sees its relevance in the community and is far from finished.  They see so much to accomplish and so much that can be done.  This is a growing and exciting club.  I really enjoyed my visit with them.  It was a great time and the future is bright.

Past President Patricia and President John

Me and President John

Official Visit # 49, Northeast El Paso
October 18, 2012

This club is a fun club.  As I arrived early, about 11:30, I was greeted by two gentlemen that took their time to share this club with me.  The club meets in the far Northeast of El Paso and works with Fort Bliss and the soldiers and families. 

This club is very proud of their work in the community and the fundraising success they all have.  The members of the club are open to conversation and enthusiastic about the new and great things that can happen.  The members of the club are fun to be with and very enjoyable.  This was a very congenial meeting and I learned a great deal about their area of the community they serve.

This visit was pleasant and the club made me feel very much at home.  All of the members are very proud of their club and all they do in El Paso.  The monies that this club raises do so much for the community along with the sweat equity that is so important to this club.  I truly enjoyed this visit.

Members coming together for a meeting in El Paso

Sharing ideas with the club.

President Jose and me.

Official Visit # 48, El Paso
October 18, 2012

This visit began with a very well attended board meeting.  The Rotary Club of El Paso is the Grandfather club of the district.  This was the first club in our district and they work at making sure that they live up to that title and the history that goes with it.

During the meeting, I was given the opportunity to present six (6) Paul Harris Fellows.  This club is involved in so many things in the community that it makes your head spin.  It appears that all of the members are involved and feel a great sense of pride in their club.

This was a fun meeting with jokes and jabs being the order of the day.  All of the clubs of El Paso come together and present the District Governor with a pair of Rotary Boots.  It was a little different this year.  Just see the pictures to see the fun we had.  Rotary is alive and well in El Paso and the Grandfather club is one of the great leaders in the Rotary world.

Board meeting with El Paso

President Debbie presented me with District 5520
Governor of the year plaque.  Too funny!

These were the first boots I saw.
Yes sire, clown shoes . Cool huh?
The real boots, sort of.  They will be in soon.

Past RI Director Sonny Brown, Me, Sandy and John Coleman
President Debbie and Me

Official Visit # 47, Gallup
October 17, 2012

I met with the board of this club the evening before at the home of the famous Sammy C.  We had several of the club come together to give me an idea of the club and the direction the club is going.  Our conversations centered on membership and the area they all live in and serve.

This club works wonders on the Navajo Reservation and has a true heart for the region of our country.  As we looked at membership, we also looked at the clubs work in the schools.  They are really looking to develop on the experiences of their RYLA campers by using their enthusiasm to start an Interact club.

The meeting was well attended.  The members of the club were eager to hear new ideas and review the current activities of the club.  This club is looking into the process of establishing a satellite club to increase their membership and the services given by this club.  This club does an incredible job of giving scholarships.  This is an inspiring club.  Everyone needs to visit this club.  Thank you Gallup.

President Julianna

President Julianna and Me

Official Visit # 46, Los Lunas
October 16, 2012

I worked in this area for about three (3) years.  I attended this club as a visiting Rotarian for that time.  I have felt like a member of this club for a long time.  The last time I visited this club was about three (3) years ago. 

There is a saying that the more things change, the more they stay the same.  I could not help but notice that some of my friends were sitting in the same place doing the same things that they did the last time I was there.  This club is still involved with the schools and the universities.  The still give every 3rd grader a dictionary. 

It is a great thing to meet with old friends doing great things for Rotary.  Good friends, old memories, and a vision to serve more to get more done.  This is Rotary in Los Lunas.  A really good time.

Presenting to old friends

President Mike, ADG John and Me

Official Visit # 45, Moriarty
October 15, 2012

Let’s see, an evening meeting on a Monday in a restaurant called “Shorty’s Barbeque” eating homemade pizza and salad.  Yep, must be Moriarty.  This is a super group of people living for service and so excited to do all they can to serve the area.

I met with the board for a bit and then with the club.  This club does a little bit of everything in the town, but the one thing they are most proud of is their RYLA girls and the possibility of an Interact club.  The members are all very involved in every area of the community.

The club is well organized and a model to the small clubs in every town USA.  I truly enjoyed this club visit and had a great time with old friends.  My time spent with this club was too short, but the road calls.  I will be back.

Paul Harris Awards

Me and President Paul

Official Visit # 44, Tucumcari
October 11, 2012

This club’s board and I met this morning to discuss the club and the efforts of the club and its membership.  The conversation was detailed and very intense.  The members of the board were truly looking for ways that they could improve the projects and expand the services of the club.  We discussed membership and came up with some ideas on this topic.

As we met for the meeting I was surprise at the attendance and the six (6) visitors.  The group was very lively and conversational.  I had a great deal of fun visiting with this club.  President Diane gives energy to the meetings with a special sense of humor mixed with an energy level that few have and an eagerness to serve the community.

I had a wonderful time with this club and saw some old friends and met a great deal of new ones.  Tucumcari is very fortunate to have a club like this one.  Rotary is alive and well in Tucumcari.  Fun times.

Making a point

A club gathered with enthusiasm
Add caption

Official Visit # 42, Santa Rosa
October 9, 2012

Get your kicks on Route 66!  That pretty well sums up this meeting.  I meet with some of the most wonderful people that Santa Rosa had to offer.  The members of this Board and this club were incredibly warm am enjoyable. 

As they began to tell the story of their club I was in awe of the stories they told and the projects they have.  The energy in the room was wonderful and the camaraderie of the members of this club screamed Rotary fellowship.  They laughed and joked with each other and made the as enjoyable a meeting as I have attended.

The community is being improved every day by this club.   They are active in all areas of Rotary and so very willing to share and work for the improvement of this community and the world.  This was a wonderful visit.  I am so glad I was here.  Great times with great people.  What a kick.
Members getting ready to meet.
Efficient club meeting

Official Visit # 41, Alamogordo White Sands
October 4, 2012

I have had the chance to visit with this club on multiple occasions.  I have a large number of friends in this club and that makes my visit here very refreshing.  To visit old friends that are doing so many things is great.  I have looked forward to this visit.

The room was full and all were very welcoming.  This club is the sponsoring club for the Interact Club in Alamogordo and works with the other clubs in the Tularosa Basin.  This was my final visit to all of the three (3) clubs in this Basin.  I had been told that how strong Rotary was in this area, Rotary is incredibly strong and I will tell that forever.

This club is a model to the district and the Rotary world, but hand in hand with the other two (2) clubs are models to Rotary International.  What a great visit.  Thank you all so much.

The White Sands Club gathering

Talking about Foundation

President Matt and Me

Official Visit # 40, El Paso Vista Hills
October 3, 2012

Vista Hills is a club that meets on the East side of El Paso.  This club is trying to make things happen in their end of town.

This club is working with the High School and the Interact Club to meet the needs of this area.  This meeting was a board meeting.  All of the membership discussed different avenues of service and different ways that they could open up the club to attract more members and more service projects.  The discussion was lively and the deep.  Every member was active in the meeting.

It was good to see a club that looks at internal issues and looks for every way to improve the community and their club along the way.  This club is going in the right direction and will show us all the way shortly.  Great job and great meeting.

Meeting as a round table discussion.

Supper people looking to make a difference

Vista Hills members and Me

President Hugo and Me


Official Visit # 39, El Paso Sunrise
October 3, 2012

Early morning in El Paso; the sunrise over the Franklin Mountains, I guess it came up, but it was not visible when you are inside meeting with a great group of Rotarians.  The sunrise could not be as bright as the attitude of this club.

This is the early morning club that meets on the west side of El Paso.  They are involved with youth and the underprivileged all over El Paso.  They have an attitude of doing and eagerness to get the job done.  This Rotary club has that spirit that makes them Rotarians.  They live and breathe Rotary.

I fully enjoyed this visit and look for any opportunity to visit this club again.  They are a club that is brighter than sun coming over the mountains.  They are doing great things for El Paso.

Presenting to a wonderful  bunch of Rotarians

Talking Rotary business

President Regina and Me

Official Visit # 38, Truth or Consequences
October 2, 2012

This is the only city in the world that would ever change their name to that of a game show.  This club is very active and unique to the world of Rotary International.  They are in a unique town and have very special members that continue to go great things for those of the community and the world.

I have met with this club on several occasions and feel very at home with this wonderful group.  This club does it all.  This club is involved in Simplified grants, RYLA, International Matching Grants and RYE, making a difference and taking names.  The members are leaders in the community and in the state. 

I was welcomed openly in this meeting and with the board.  The club and board members are very exciting to be around.  This club is doing things and the things they are doing are amazing.  There are not bad consequences to anything this club does.  Keep up the great work.

Meeting with the board
During the meeting
President Earl, PP. Lisa, Mark, DGE Kit and PDG Dick

Official Visit # 37, Albuquerque Metro
September 26, 2012

I left Angel Fire at 1:15 PM and drove to Albuquerque to meet with the Metro club for a board meeting.  This is a club that is about 3 (three) years old and is working to find its own identity and working to make a difference with a unique approach.  President Willie is leading this club in a direction of service and hands on projects.  The board is active and energetic. 

The board meeting was one of fresh new ideas and fresh community efforts.  Each of the members was very active in the process.  President Willie works very hard at keeping the focus on community support.

The meeting was very good with all in attendance eager are ready to share their clubs efforts and projects.  The meeting was a time of sharing and expression of desires.  All members of this club have a true servant attitude.  This club has a great chance to work within the community and make wonderful things happen on the way there.  Lead on!

Members and visitors during the meeting.

Additional membership photos

Official Visit # 36, Angel Fire
September 26, 2012

This visit started with a trip on a quad in an assault on the gofer population in the Angel Fire valley.  Not to worry, the gofers survived because the rain came and washed the Governor down.  Out came the sun and dried up all the rain and the gofers came out for fun again.

Shawn and President Tammy are amazing hosts.  We had a very special board meeting this evening.  The members of the board are energetic and very ambitious to make the community a wonderful place and a community that is better because they exist.

During the meeting we heard a man of the cloth that is running an Orphanage in Uganda.  He shared his life and his vision.  He shared his faith and his purpose and then he shared his membership in Rotary International.  This was an incredible experience and a real great time to be present in a Rotary Club.  Thank you Angel Fire; keep up the good work.

What an amazing sight to see before a meeting.
Rotarians gathering in Angel Fire

Coming together at a board meeting

Mark and President Tammy

Official Visit # 35, Las Vegas
September 25, 2012

This was a great way to begin another amazing week on the road to discovery of District 5520.  My visit in Las Vegas began with a wonderful meeting with my friend Marshall Poole.  Marshall and I have been friends for a long time and if there ever was a silent Rotarian that continues to make the rest of us look good it is Marshall.

This visit was one of great memories and incredible conversation.  This club works so very hard for the community.  They discussed all of their options and all of their projects.  The members are very proud of their community and the importance of this club in that community.

During my visit with this club I was impressed with the discussion and with the enthusiasm.  The new members of the club are involved and the beginning to fill leadership positions.  This club is in a position to make great things happen in their club and in the county.  I enjoyed every minute of being with this club.  One day with this club and one day with amazing Rotarians in northern New Mexico.

President Elect conducting the meeting.

All are gathered for a meal prior to business
Presenting to a really good club.