Lisa Witt, Rotary Club of Albuquerque, was selected to lead District 5520’s GSE Team to District 3870 in the Philippines next spring.
Lisa moved to New Mexico in 1995 and started her business, Avista Video Histories, in 1996. Avista Video began by creating family history videos, but has expanded to include documentaries and commercial video productions. Lisa is on the list of New Mexico Women Owned Business and Avista has won 17 National Telly Awards for its video work.
Prior to moving to New Mexico, Lisa earned a BA in International Relations from the University of Michigan, an MS in Foreign Service from the Georgetown School of Foreign Service. She worked for the Office of Management and Budget, and was appointed by President Clinton as Chief Economist, Policy Planning Staff, for the U.S. State Department.
Chavi Peter from the Rotary Club of Taos was selected as alternate Team Leader and will play a vital role in developing the District 5520 outbound team.
Now it is a critical that all Club and District leaders concentrate their efforts on identifying potential candidates to participate in the GSE program. Candidates must be 25-40 years old, with three years in their profession and not a directly related to a Rotarian. Additional information is available at http://rotary5520.org/GSE/index.html or by e-mailing GSE Chair Donna Pedace at pedaceabq@aol.com.