Saturday, February 04, 2012

Youth Exchange Potluck in Santa Fe

Michele and I had a blast with the Youth Exchange in Santa Fe.  A potluck social was held with members of the Santa Fe Rotarians joined by the Youth Exchange Committee and host families.  We had the opportunity to get to know each other and share Rotary fellowship.  The youngsters were in Santa Fe visiting the Legislature and a day of snow skiing.  Thank you to all for allowing us to join you!

Youth Exchange Chair Michelle Frechette

New Generations Chair and PDG
Dick Jones

DG Bobby Wallace and New Generations Chair and PDG
Dick Jones with Youth Exchange

PDG Spouse Lorraine Jones, AG Lleta Scoggins
Michelle and Skylar Wallace

Youth Exchange Potluck in Santa Fe

Alamogordo Interact Club

I had the opportunity to visit with the Alamogordo Interact club and had such a wonderful time.  These young people are energetic and getting so much done in their community.  We visited about the various projects they are working on and how we can assist anyway we can.  I left the meeting excited knowing the future of Rotary is in their hands.  This club will continue to grow because of their leadership and vision.

Alamogordo Interact Club presenting me with a gift

DG Bobby with Alamogordo Interact Club

Alamogordo Rotary Club and White Sands Rotary
Club members

Alamogordo Interact Club