Mon 19 Jul…..ABQ Club noon meeting Meet with Board after
Mon 19 Jul….Moriarty club 6pm meeting
Tue 20 Jul….Rio Rancho noon meeting
Tue 20 Jul……Del Norte Board Meeting 5pm
Tue 20 Jul……Girls RYLA 7.30 pm...
Wed 21 Jul….Rio Rancho Sunrise 7am meeting
Wed 21 Jul….Del Norte noon meeting
Wed 21 Jul….Albq Metro 5:30 meeting
Thu 22 Jul…..Mountainair noon meeting
Saturday, July 17, 2010
O.V. #4 RC of Eunice 7-14-10
President (and Assistant Governor) Curtis Schrader, as always, runs a top notch ship (he should, this is his third time as a Rotary Club President!) Three different clubs for background info.
A great small club, Eunice was a very warm, welcoming, hospitable town. The club is very active in their community and through Curtis' efforts, the District as well. The club installed one new member while I was there. I was also impressed that Curtis had gone the 'extra' mile by printing out color copies of the July newsletter to hand to his members. Keep up the good work in Eunice

A great small club, Eunice was a very warm, welcoming, hospitable town. The club is very active in their community and through Curtis' efforts, the District as well. The club installed one new member while I was there. I was also impressed that Curtis had gone the 'extra' mile by printing out color copies of the July newsletter to hand to his members. Keep up the good work in Eunice
O.V. #3 - RC of Ruidoso 7-13-10
O.V. # 3 RC of Ruidoso - 7-13-10

Started off by meeting with the Board. RC of Ruidoso is one of the sponsor clubs of the 2011 District Convention (in Ruidoso). Had some discussion on that, but mostly it was observed that this club is doing a lot of things right and are very motivated. President Gary is quite the leader and along with his Board, great things are going to be coming from RC of Ruidoso this year based on what I experienced. Thanks to the Lodge at Sierra Blanca for comping me a night's stay (always appreciated)....
(more pictures available on and in the search box type Rotary District 5520 Leadership)
O.V. #2 - RC of NE El Paso 7-9-10
RC of NE El Paso

This was a club I was a little worried about! There had been a notion about a couple of the 'old timers' liking to take the 'Mickey' out of the DG. I came to find out it was completely the opposite (Past President Travis for one). Great little club with a ton of potential. Very open minded to what was presented and the best part at the end when we got to some Q and A, the discussion of multiple generations with varying needs came up in an ideally explosive way. The differences of perspective when a club has 3 generations with 3 different 'needs' was verbally brought to light with great discussion that followed. Thank you all for the great experience!
(more pictures available on and in the search box type Rotary District 5520 Leadership)
RC El Paso Installation 7-8-10
RC El Paso Installation

President Herb is the kind of Rotarian you want to work with very humble and highly capable. He and his Board are going to do a great job..
(more pictures available on and in the search box type Rotary District 5520 Leadership)
O.V. 1 - Anthony 7-8-10
Official Visit #1, Anthony 7-8-10

My first club visit, also my first time to try a 'short cut' to get to the club..... The road wasn't even really on the map, but I had heard about it, so I actually pulled a couple different cars over to make sure I was going in the right direction.... I arrived with 15 minutes to spare
RC Anthony was a great club with many of the issues that all of us are facing membership in a small town. I had a very productive meeting with the Board prior to the club meeting which was very helpful. Loren and her group are heading in the right direction and I thank them for their hospitality!
(more pictures available on and in the search box type Rotary District 5520 Leadership)
El Paso Parade
My first 'official' duty : RC of West El Paso Parade, July 3rd.

The best part was at the very end of the parade. There was this huge flag at the top of the hill and several vets standing beneath it. Very powerful moment...
"Rotary District 5520 Leadership 2010-2011" in the search bar)