During my visit with the Roswell Sunrise Club, I had the opportunity to hear Frank and Jolene Lilley tell the amazing story of their son Air Force Staff Sgt. Scott Lilley’s incredible recovery from a head wound received when a roadside bomb exploded outside Baghdad in April 2007. Told that he probably would not survive the wound, Dennis has fully recovered and returned to active duty. Also during the meeting, the Club presented the Vietnam Veterans of New Mexico with a check for $5000 to support their veterans’ transportation program. Veterans from the Roswell area are provided free transportation to clinics in Lubbock, Amarillo, Big Springs, and Albuquerque.
The Pecos Valley Club had readings on of five new members that will be installed in August. The club is also busy working on the Sun Country Classic Golf Tournament. This tournament is sponsored by the three Roswell Rotary Clubs, and funds equipment purchases for the Boys and Girls Club of Roswell, books to Africa, and Adopt-a-Family Christmas program. It was also a pleasure to have an opportunity to visit with PDG Paul Herring during lunch.
My visit to the Rotary Club of Roswell was highlighted when Club President Betty Long presented me a check for $5000 on behalf of Polio Plus. The Club has supported Polio Plus since the program’s inception. I also had the privilege to induct two new members, Cindy Torrez and Mary Bryant during my visit to the Club and recognize the new member sponsors Bill Liakos and Bob Maples with the presentation of their sponsor pins.