Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tri-District Conference - August 7th & 8th

The Tri-District Conference is coming soon - August 7th and 8th in El Paso, TX. This year we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the international partnership established to provide Rotary fellowship and service opportunities across the US – Mexican border. Once again, Rotarians from Districts 4110, 5470, and 5520 will come together with their service projects searching for international partners to support their efforts.

This year the conference will address the importance of preserving our 20-year old international partnership and how this partnership can flourish for at least the next 20 years. PDG Sonny Brown has agreed to speak at our kick-off meeting Saturday morning and I’ve just received notice that Mireya Morales from the Rotary Foundation will be joining us.

Because The Rotary Foundation has severely reduced its portion of the matching funds available, the three District Governors agreed that moving the conference to August was needed to increase our chances to receive a portion of these funds. To offset a portion of this reduction in available funds, District 5520 has increased the budgeted amount from District funds.

Please participate because we can’t get it done without you! Register now at