Thursday, October 07, 2010

O.V. 34 - RC of Alamogordo White Sands 10-7-10

President Dr. Norm (famous Obstetrician in SENM) and wife Luise picked me up from the hotel for a reception in my honor the night before my club visit.  What a nice relaxing time we had at the home of Klif & Barbara McDonald.  About 20 of us sat out on their front porch with large old trees all around with perfect early fall weather. 

The meal was catered by the Sunset Run Restaurant (which I recommend travelers to stop by and try them out.... very good food   ( and the club even got me a cake (Linda's Cakes).  Top notch hospitality by all, greatly appreciate it and lots of fun.

The club: very active in their community and wanting to make a bigger impact.  Very positive attitude by the membership.  President Norm, his board, and membership have a great opportunity to increase their influence in the Alamogordo community they just have to knock the dust off and do it.  Good make up opp for those coming to Alamo on Thursdays and very hospitable and friendly.   Thanks for everything!

Reception the night before

Reception the night before

Reception the night before

President Norm and TP

Club Meeting

O.V. 33 - RC of Lovington 10-6-10

Enter through the SW corner of the hospital (labeled patient entrance).... at least for this month.  RC Lovington meets in the hospital, which is undergoing a multi-million dollar huge renovation.  Things will look great there when it is completed.  

CEO/Administrator of the hospital, Rotarian David Shaw generously offered up conference room space for the club to meet at.... Great venue in a nice completed part of the facility with lots of natural light.... But wait, the food.... 

Trevor the hospital's chef really put it on that day and from what I hear every day.  The only hospital food I have eaten around the state that would even come close would be Roswell Regional.  Trevor and his crew provided not just a great meal, but service, thanks Trev.  But now onto the club....

RC Lovington and their President John Benard really want to see Rotary grow in their community.  They have a lot of things going in their favor including a can do attitude.  RC Lovington provides scholarships and raises over $50k per year.  They also put in hundreds of man hours of "hands on" service invested into the local community every year.  

I am really looking forward to see where these folks end up in the next 8 months.  They have a bright future, great attitude, and this is a club you want to make up at.....

President John and TP

board meeting

Assistant Governor Curtis Schrader with his gleaming cue ball scalp (which I can appreciate)

ENM State Fair Parade - Roswell - 10-4-10

The three Roswell clubs came up with the idea of putting a float in the parade.  They put in hours of work decorating, etc.... Great finished product and it was a lot of fun riding with the local Rotarians.  Thanks to the local Rotarians who donated their time for this.... It greatly helped PR and exposure in the community.

Actually this parade is as big of a production as the El Paso parade, just in Roswell.  From what I saw on the street that day, Roswell was easily beyond the 50k point for the census (too bad many of those folks probably didn't participate in the census).  Congratulations to Rotarian Phil Brewer for putting together another great ENM State Fair Parade.
They actually wanted me to ride on the top of this.... I decline the 'opportunity'

Assistant Governor Drusedum with the LiveSTRONG group

Parade Organizer - Rotarian Phil Brewer
Parade Organizer - Rotarian Phil Brewer