As Rotary begins its 106th year of service, RI President John Kenny reminds Rotarians worldwide that the eradication of polio remains our #1 Priority and a promise to the world that Rotary will keep.
To support this promise Rotary International will
· support the International PolioPlus Committee,
· promote participation in PolioPlus Partners,
· focus our collaborative partners on polio eradication.
I would encourage each Club in District 5520 to raise the awareness of Rotary’s efforts for polio eradication by having a Club program on polio’s eradicate, donate to Rotary’s $200 million Gates Foundation challenge grants, or undertake a project to raise awareness in your community.
This year’s Rotary Theme, “The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands,” is a reminder and challenge that we, each and every Rotarian in District 5520 and the world, are responsible for answering this latest call to “End Polio Now.” The first step is raising awareness. For ideas on how you can raise awareness in your community contact District Polio Eradication Chair Mark Glenn at markglenn5520@msn.com or visit the Rotary International website at
As Rotarians we are committed to “End Polio Now”. The children of the world are counting on us and we have never failed them.