Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Holiday letter 2010

Thank you for your service this Rotary year.  Your effort, heart, and passion to serve your club, your district, and the world has been truly inspiring.  Your work has facilitated great progress in our district, and no better result has been the installation of over 125 new Rotarians since July first.  My peer in Dallas told me she was in the low 90’s and my peer in Houston just over 100 new Rotarians installed.  Take a look at the population centers they have to draw from and you can see that the ‘tool kit’ we put in place is working.  We are doing great, but can always do better.  Please review the July newsletter and let’s finish this Rotary year STRONG! 
May you and your family have a blessed holiday season and I look forward to serving you the second half of this Rotary year.

Key Reminders: 
  • ·         Governor’s Challenge begins Jan 1 (review rotary5520.org)
  • ·         Who in your club can donate to the incentives of the Governor’s Club?
  • ·         Get folks to the District Convention in April.  Registration opens first week Jan.
·         Club donations for District Convention need to be sent to Loren ASAP (and thank you for the help, $100-$500 is what we are asking each club to put in (if possible).  If you have a club member who would like to sponsor, we can accommodate at various levels and exposure, just let me KNOW!  As you remember, the DCon is not in the district budget, has to be self supporting, and all financial arrangements are a personal liability to the Governor).
  • ·         Get folks to the International Convention in May.  Registration at www.rotary.org
  • ·         February 28th deadline to have Presidential Citation application to me (the application on http://rotary5520.org/districtadministration/2010-11_leadership/1011PresidentialCitation.pdf   says March 31st, I say February 28th for your club to be eligible.  Let’s get them to me to sign. 
  •  Keep keeping track of community service hours worked this Rotary year, estimation of last year’s hours, as well as fundraising money this year, and guestimation of last years fundraising.  We will be disclosing the district totals at Convention.  I need your YTD data by March 31st via email (tparker5520@yahoo.com)

O.V. #55 - RC of Ft. Sumner 12-15-10

President Lyssy and I have been friends since we both served as AG's many years ago.  Although small in size, this club makes up for it in spunk.  No greater spunk than the infamous Flea Wood, who has been a member in Rotary almost 56 years.  This club is extremely hospitable and the food was great (home made like Melrose).  This club has a ton of potential, they just need to beat the streets and keep spreading the word.  I was very encouraged after visiting this club and am thankful for their friendship.  

Also, if you are every traveling the world, or even from the community you are reading this from, please send a post card addressed to:    Pulga    88119         that's it, Pulga is FLEA in spanish, and he has been in the community so long, he doesn't even need an official address!  He would be encouraged to receive  the communicae.

DG TP and the infamous FLEA

DG TP and President Jim

Visitation of Governor Peer from Texas 12-14-10

One of the neat things about serving as Governor is the national and international network it provides, specifically the special bond with the 520 something other Governors from around the world that are serving this year.  

On her way through Roswell to Ruidoso to celebrate the completion of her club visits, District Governor of D5810 Linda Elliott with Partnaaa David Crist met up with me at the local DQ.  D5810 was the district I was a member at before D5520, having served the infamous Preston Center Rotary Club as Sgt. at Arms prior to moving here.  

DG Classmates Linda Elliott and TP

and yes, that is David's smiley face!  

RC of Roswell Sunrise Christmas Party 12-14-10

My home clubs Christmas party, hosted by Megan Lydia Billeaudeaux-Rhodes office, Classic Expressions (owned by Rotarian Sandi Davis).  Great place for smaller events.

Past, Present, and Future Sunrise Presidents:  l to r   Kurt Gass, PE, Brett Leach, PP, John Naylor, PP, and Jared Hembree, President 2010-11


RC of Hobbs Christmas Party 12-9-10

What a great time, great hosts, and thanks for the invite.  RC Hobbs held their Christmas Party at the Hobbs Country Club and I have captioned some of the events below.  Shared some great laughs and made new friends..... Patty, Janna, Judy, Jo, and David, you've got a good thing going there, keep it up!  Chris, thanks for the ride, Lindsay, the picture.

As a single guy, it is always nice to make new friends.  One of my new friends... or shall I say I was hit on by a tenured veteran of Rotary. 

way cool lady, way funny, she went right for my knee.  When I blush it goes from the front to the back of my bald head!

Now she is playing with my beard... Nice!

Heavy hitters from RC Hobbs

cool cats Chris and Janna, along with the ever texting Lindsay

Heavy hitters from RC Hobbs

and no, those tickets weren't cheap

Former Miss NM Lindsay and TP

house of dancing lights, local radio station coordinates with the movement of the lights.  Way neat.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

RC of West El Paso Christmas Party 12-8-10

O.V. #54 RC of El Paso Vista Hills 12-8-10

President Norm isn't afraid of tossing out the jokes, course or not, he's still going to bring em.  Good sense of humor and has recently entered the realm of cancer survivor (while taking treatments as President).  This club is in growth mode and have a very good attitude about it.  Very welcoming group and have many organizational things in place now to ensure future success as they recruit new folks.  Norm even during treatment, was still calling and sending emails.  Good job keeping communication lines open between the district and the club.  This group has also chartered a new 88 person interact club

President Norm and TP

LG Jimmy, PDG Jackie, AG Jessie, and DG TP - BIG thank you district leaders for your support and friendship!

O.V. #53 RC of El Paso Sunrise 12-8-10

Nothing like the energy of a morning club and this club has it a plenty.  They are doing a lot for their size and really progressive in some of their marketing/PR efforts.  President Adolpho has charged his club with evolving, asking tough questions, and the club is benefiting from the process.  If you are a morning person, this is a great place to make up.

President Adolpho leading the charge!

New member induction

O.V. #52 RC of Silver City 12-7-10

President Christy has a good thing going in Silver City.  A very welcoming group and active in their community.  This club meets on the college campus and it has helped their membership by attracting university administration and instructors.  The reception the night before the meeting took an interesting turn during the 'lightening round' of questions.  They got a blush out of me for sure.  Great club for a make up and lots of history sitting around every table.  Thanks guys for everything.  And we will be seeing the majority of you at the District Convention!

President Christy and TP