Tuesday, December 21, 2010

O.V. #55 - RC of Ft. Sumner 12-15-10

President Lyssy and I have been friends since we both served as AG's many years ago.  Although small in size, this club makes up for it in spunk.  No greater spunk than the infamous Flea Wood, who has been a member in Rotary almost 56 years.  This club is extremely hospitable and the food was great (home made like Melrose).  This club has a ton of potential, they just need to beat the streets and keep spreading the word.  I was very encouraged after visiting this club and am thankful for their friendship.  

Also, if you are every traveling the world, or even from the community you are reading this from, please send a post card addressed to:    Pulga    88119         that's it, Pulga is FLEA in spanish, and he has been in the community so long, he doesn't even need an official address!  He would be encouraged to receive  the communicae.

DG TP and the infamous FLEA

DG TP and President Jim

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