Thursday, January 27, 2011

O.V. # 62 RC of Truth or Consequences 1-25-11

President Frances was not able to attend this day, so President Elect Deborah and Past President Mario led the meeting.  The time with T or C started off by my getting to meet infamous PDG Bill Bueler.  He had some very kind words to share and still is a vocal leader in the club!  T or C is a fun group to visit and I met some very nice folks. 

It sounds like the space port is going to strongly affect this community.  Hey, a 1 hour 45 minute suborbital flight and your in Japan...... all for only $200k..... why not!

They have a good spread in the age demographic and just like all of the clubs in the district, this one has a ton of potential.  PPresident Mario and current President Frances have done a good job in leading the turnaround here.  A good club for a make up and a good time.  Keep up the good work!
TP with PDG Bill Bueler

Board Meeting

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