Saturday, February 19, 2011

RC El Paso Camino Real Provisional Chartering dinner 2-15-11

Thank you to the new provisional RC El Paso Camino Real, James M., DExtension Chair, and AG Beth Newman for rearranging this clubs normal meeting day to accommodate my schedule.  It was great to be able to see our first 'multi-national' club.  The club, made up primarily of Mexican expats who have brought their businesses to El Paso to escape the Juarez violence.  What a nice group of new Rotarians these Mexican folks are.  Very welcoming and expressive of how they would like to fit in with our American way of life.  I think their Founding President Eduardo (Lalo) said it best during his address.  I am excited to see how this club finds it's way, but it is clear they have a firm foundation in Rotary and are going to become an integral part to our District, no doubt.

Their club will be chartering at the District Convention, April 14-17 in Ruidoso.

DG TP, President Lalo, DG 4110 David Ayala

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