Monday, September 24, 2012

Official Visit # 33, Eunice
September 19, 2012

Ok, I am as far Southeast in the state of New Mexico as I can go and visit a Rotary Club.  This is a town that lives or dies with the oil industry and yet this club remains active and vital to the community.

The members of this club are involved in every form of leadership you can imagine in the community of Eunice.  Although the head of the Chamber of Commerce is a member, I really got the feeling that the group assembled truly made up the Chamber.  This club has been so proactive to the community and the individuals of the community.  I was amazed at the stories told by this club.  Their efforts in fundraising in this community were inspiring. 

It was great to listen to the club and members as they told their stories with pride.  There is a sense of pride in the community in the room, and that sense of pride has to spread out of the doors of the meeting.  As I drove away, I was very happy to really understand the extent that this club goes to reach out to their fellow citizens of this community.  I left very proud.

Fellowship begins with food.

Discussion is always healthy.  Sometimes!
Me and President Chris

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