Sunday, December 18, 2011

Rotary Club of Albuquerque Del Sol

It was such a good feeling to be back at my home club!  I have missed everyone and it was great to see all who were there.  The Rotary Club of Albuquerque Del Sol has been so supportive during my year as District Governor and I would like to take this opportunity to say "Thank You"!  The club holds an annual Governor's Ball that raises a lot of money for various charities and helps support the Foundation.  This club is so active in the community. President Steve Reynolds has been a friend of mine for many years and is doing a wonderful job moving this club forward!  Thank you Rotary Club of Albuquerque Del Sol for all you do and keep it going!

Presenting DGN Kit Turpen his Rio Grande Academy
graduation certificate

Presenting President Steve Reynolds the
Theme Banner

President Steve Reynolds presenting me
 a Paul Harris Fellowship

Past District Governor Andy Anderson presenting
me a 4 Way Test book

Rotary Club of Albuquerque Del Sol
Board of Directors

District Membership and Rio Grande Academy Chair
Bruce Bortner

Secretary Jeff Weinrach

Rotary Club of Albuquerque Del Sol

Assistant Governor John Gordon and Membership and
RGA Chair Bruce Bortner

GSE Team Leader Julie Frendle and
Lt. Governor Bill Rothweiler

Rotary Club of Lovington

What an exciting club that is making such a huge impact in their community!  President Lynda Kreybig is doing a fantastic job! On March 3, 2012 the Rotary Club of Lovington will hold a Casino and Dinner Night that will raise approx. $22,000.  The club also holds a golf tournament that raises approx. $20,000!  Great job Rotary Club of Lovington.  The money is used to award scholarships to high school seniors!  The club participates in the Guatemala project, Polio Plus, Early Education program and buys books for parents to read to their kids!  The club also supports the Rotary Park in town!  Thank you Rotary Club of Lovington and keep up the great work you are doing!

Rotary Club of Lovington members having
a good time!

President Lynda Kreybig

Rotary Club of Lovington

Rotary Club of Lovington
Board of Directors

Presenting President Lynda Kreybig with
the Theme Banner

Rotary Club of Rio Rancho

We had such a great time at the Rotary Club of Rio Rancho!  President Brad Marsh is doing a wonderful job keeping the club focused and moving forward!  The club is very active in the 4 Way Test Essay involving four schools in their community.  The big fundraiser is the "Pork and Brew" BBQ that raised approx. $14,000.  The club also runs the Country Store at the New Mexico State Fair that raised around $11,000!  Great job!  The Rotary Club of Rio Rancho is in the process of looking into starting two Interact Clubs in their community.  Keep up the great work!

Rotary Club of Rio Rancho
Board of Directors Meeting

Lt. Governor Bill Rothweiler and President Brad Marsh

Assistant Governor Dick Hillier
addressing the club

Rotary Club of Rio Rancho

Presenting President Brad Marsh with
the Theme Banner

Rotary Club of Albuquerque

President Gordon Hennessy is doing a fantastic job leading the Rotary Club of Albuquerque!  This club is accomplishing so much!  The club sent 12 students to RYLA!  Their annual fundraiser is a large golf tournament that raises over $39,000!  The money is used to award several scholarships and support the Foundation.  The Rotary Club of Albuquerque also supports the Volcano Vista High School Interact Club and is looking to start a new Interact Club.  They are looking into the possibility of starting a Rotaract Club at the University of New Mexico.  The club also has two outbound candidates for youth exchange and one inbound youth exchange.  Thank you Rotary Club of Albuquerque for making Michele and I feel so welcomed!

Rotary Club of Albuquerque
President Gordon Hennessy

President Gordon Hennessy
Conference Chairman Fred Bryant

Rotary Club of Albuquerque

Rotary Singing!!

Rotary Club of Albuquerque
Board of Directors

Boys RYLA Chair Shane LeMon
and Conference Chair Fred Bryant

Rotary Club of Carlsbad

Our trip to Carlsbad started with a board meeting and reception held at Rotarians Mary and Mark Walterscheid's house.  Thank you so much for hosting us!  We had such a wonderful time!  What an active club that is so involved in their community and our district.   The club held its first blood drive that netted 47 units of blood. Rotarian Bob Murray donated a dental chair which the club packed and shipped to Guatemala.  The club holds a golf tournament each year with the proceeds going towards scholarships.  While visiting the club, several new members were inducted and several Pual Harris Fellowships were awarded.  The club also hosted Michele and I on the Christmas on the Pecos boat tour.  Thank you President Mike Antiporda for your hospitality and leadership!

Rotary Club of Carlsbad Board of Directors

PE Danny Cross, Assistant Governor Veronica Hernandez
President Mike Antiporda

Having fun in Carlsbad

Past District Governor Myrtle Fritschy

We had such a great time on the
Christmas on the Pecos

Rotary Club of Carlsbad

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Rotary Club of Las Cruces Rio Grande Dress A Child Fundraiser

Michele and I were invited to the Dress a Child Fundraiser held by the Rotary Club of Las Cruces Rio Grande Club.  What a wonderful event that raised over $15,000 for children in their community. The event was a silent auction, dinner and a live auction.  The club has two fundraisers to support this project.  $100 is spent on each child to buy clothes and shoes and so many children are benefited by this club.  A very special "thank you" to District Secretary Loren and Nancy Kuehne for hosting Michele and I.  Thank you Rotary Club of Las Cruces Rio Grande for allowing us to be a part of it!

Rotarian Ken Binkley

President Sharon DeBraal and Michele Wallace

Cheering on the live auction

Rotarian Vic Villalobos

District Secretary Loren and Nancy Kuehne

Rotary Club of Portales

Thank you Rotary Club of Portales for such a wonderful visit.  The club is very active in their community and continues to make a difference.  They are in the process of upgrading the local Rotary Park, sponsored two students to attend RYLA, sponsoring an outbound Youth Exchange Candidate and supports the Rotary Club of Clovis with the Belize Wheelchair project.  The club holds an annual pork chop lunch fundraiser that helps pay for all their projects.  President Chris Wood has this club focused and motivated.  Great job!

President Chris Wood

Assistant Governor Lonnie Leslie and
President Chris Wood

Rotary Club of Portales
Board of Directors Meeting

President Chris Wood presenting me
with a custom briefcase

President Chris Wood and
Senator Stewart Ingle

Rotary Club of Mountainair

I had such a great time at the Rotary Club of Mountainair.  This is a small club that has a huge impact in their community.  Michele and I had the opportunity to attend their steak dinner fundraiser last May and the money they raise goes towards scholarships.  Every member of this club is active and getting so many things done for their community.  Keep up the good work Rotary Club of Mountainair!

Rotary Club of Mountainair

Meeting getting ready to start

Rotary Fellowship

Presenting President Susan Walters with
Theme Banner

Rotary Club of Clovis Christmas Party

I was honored to be able to attend the Rotary Club of Clovis Christmas Party. The Rotary Clubs of Clovis High Plains, Melorse and Portales also attended. A great time was had by all! A silent auction was held with the proceeds benefitting Polio Plus and President Tammy Garner did a wonderful job as MC.

Rotarians having a good time!

Lt. Governor Bill and Pam Wallace

Assistant Governor Lonnie Leslie during skit

A great time was had by everyone who attended!

Rotary Club of Clovis Christmas Party

President Tammy Garner