Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Official Visit # 13, Silver City
July 31, 2012

This was my Grand Father’s club.  Yes sir, what an experience to stand in front of men and women who watched me grow in this community along with classmates from high school, and tell them all how wonderful they are.  This was one of my favorite days in Rotary.  Mom and Dad were at the social with me the evening before.  Incredible!

As this club began to share its magic with me I was taken aback by the efforts of this club in the community of Silver City and Grant County; one fund raiser bringing in $45,000.00?; finding new and innovative ways to involve youth because the Rotaract and Interact model have not worked?; funding to send four youth to RYLA?; working with not for profits in the community?; the Guatemala water project?  I was in awe and then they asked for more training.  Let’s combine our youth and some of our business leaders with our club and sponsor the Rio Grande Academy and the Institute for Leadership, can’t that work?  Who am I to say anything but go for it!

During the meeting, a lifelong friend and Rotarian, Murray Ryan, spoke of my Grand Father and comparisons to me.  I was very touched.  I could not praise this club enough after hearing them speak of their club and seeing their enthusiasm.  I can’t help but think what a huge hole would be left in this community if Rotary was not there.  Thank you Rotarians of Silver City, you inspired me to continue.

Rotary Club of Silver City, 1937.  Can you find the man I
bought tires from or the man who delivered me, or my
Grand Father?  Truly they are there.

Meeting with the board.  Great group!
Me and my friend Murray Ryan.

Me, PE Sunni Yates, and ADG Sally Christman

Me and Sunni and Lt. Gov. Jesse Allen

Me and GSE India Team Member Dave

President William and me.