Tuesday, January 04, 2011

O.V. #57 RC of Las Vegas 1-4-11

I was hosted by President Bill and his wife Rose the night before.  Great dinner and company.  Learned a lot about the club, but even more about the community.  A ton of history in Las Vegas and some of the architecture is very 'period'.  During my early morning jog in 15 degree weather it was like a little time machine the way some of the turn of the century (ie late 18- early 1900) homes are well restored and many are waiting to be.  I also got to meet with the Main Street Las Vegas Committee and learned even more about the historical significance of this community.  

One fact is that Las Vegas has the longest main street in New Mexico (around 1 mile).  New Mexico Highlands University, the State 'Hospital' and the World College were also on my post club meeting tour.  This is another club with great potential ready to be worked out.  Great hospitality from everyone and worthy of a make up.  They have 3 Rotarians with 50 plus years of membership.  Thanks Bill, Rose, and Rotarians for the warm reception.  Go out there and MAKE IT HAPPEN ! ! !

TP and President Bill

the infamous Marshall Poole, the District's IT specialist and one of my 'go to' guys to get things DONE.  He was presenting his 3 minute Rotary minute.

Governor's Challenge 1-3-11

Educate your club about the “Give a Pint—Lose a Ton” Governor’s Challenge
       Download and Present PowerPoint from  District 5520 site)
       Invite health professionals as club speakers
       Actively engage your club members in the health and wellness conversation!
       Coordinate Blood Drives throughout the year!
Schedule as many blood drives as possible between now and March (this includes club based drives as well as Rotarian businesses who get employees or community members to donate).
Document each drive (how many, how much).  Also document how many Rotarians donate and how much during our Rotary year through March 31, 2011.
Turn in aggregate data to one of the district committee members (below)
2,000 pounds divided by 2,882 Rotarians in 70 clubs = .694 lbs. each or <30 lbs. per club!
§  Weigh in on any day during the week of Jan. 3rd (i.e., on your regular meeting day)
§  Select a club member to be in charge of documentation—follow the 4-Way Test!
§  Awards for clubs that lose over 30 lbs. and top 10 individuals in District!
§  Weigh in again at 12 weeks from your start date; turn in your aggregate data to one of the district committee members
Andrew Garrison                                     kocartel@yahoo.com                     505.818.2149
Mario DiGesu (Dee-JE-Zoo)                 wellness@windstream.net         575.894.8029
Rusty Armstrong                                      rusty@armstrongequine.com    575-233-2208

QUESTIONS? Contact us today! Good luck Rotary District 5520!

O.V. #56 RC of Socorro 12-22-10

President Bob invited me to speak at the club's Christmas Party.  It was a treat and the catered meal was home cookin which I always appreciate.  These folks were very hospitable.  I had a first experience with this club... T O P    S E C R E T as to what it was, but it was kind of funny.  This club is one of those that has a ton of potential and know where they want to go and what they want to do.  Now they just have to go out there and do it!  This is a good club to make up at if you are traveling on I-25 and lots of neat things to see in the community.  The evening ended with Christmas music karaoke.... very fun.

TP and President Bob