Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Rotary Club of Belen

This is the club that introduced me to Rotary and sponsored me to attend RYLA.  It was so much fun to see these Rotarinans and catch up on old times.  This was a true homecoming for me.  What a wonderful club that believes in Service Above Self.  A special "thank you" to Past President Paul Baca who stepped in to help President Norm McDonald who recently had surgery and could not attend the meeting.  We all wish him a speedy recovery!!  It was a true honor to induct a new member into the Rotary Club of Belen.  This new member, Linda Couch, is also employed by the New Mexico Boys and Gilrs Ranches.  She is the Co-Administrator of The Ranches and will be a great asset to this club.  The Rotary Club of Belen celebrates its 75th Anniversary this year.  It was my pleasure to present the club with a certificate from Rotary International.

Talking with Past President George Koch.  George was one
of the members of the club who chose to send me to RYLA

Past President Paul Baca giving Michele flowers

Inducting new member Linda Couch with the help of
Rotarian Phil Gregory (who was my high school track coach)

New Memeber Linda Couch and Phil Gregory

Presenting the 75th Anniversary Certificate to
Past President Paul Baca (who I attended high school with)

New Mexico Travertine in Belen

The Rotary Club of Belen set up a tour for Michele and I at the New Mexico Travertine plant located in Belen.  Owner Scott Lardner happens to be a member of the Albuquerque Del Sol Rotary Club which is my home club.  The plant is fascinating and we learned a lot.  A special "thank you" to Scott Lardner who gave us the tour.  Also a special "thank you" to the Rotary Club of Belen for arranging such a wonderful tour!

Travertine Plant in Belen

It is fascinating how they cut these big rocks

This is one BIG saw

Left to right...Michele, Phil Gregory, Bobby, Scott Lardner,
Dave Purdu, Paul Baca

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Rotary Club of Los Alamos

I had so much fun visiting the Rotary Club of Los Alamos.  They do so many wonderful projects in their community and also participate in Youth Exchange and RYLA.  A personal thank you to President Thuman Talley and his wife Gaye for their warm hospitality during my stay.  I had the opportunity to visit with their Youth Exchange student and RYLA alumni, Samantha Hennissey, who placed 2nd in the RYLA Speak Off which Michele and I had the privilege of judging.  Samantha did a wonderful job and we are so proud of her. I look forward to visiting this club again in the future.

President Thurman Talley

Youth Exchange Student and RYLA Alumni Samantha Hennissey presenting me
with two flags from her district in Australia

Club Meeting

Kudos to Lt. Governor Ken Beesely

I had no idea that Lt. Governor Ken Beesely was an incredible artist.  I had the opportunity to visit his business and review some of his art work.  A special thank you to Ken for the picture he gave me.  I will proudly display it in my office.  If you ever get the chance, you should ask Ken about his art work.

Lt. Governor Ken Beesley in front of his business - check out the billboard

Lt. Governor Ken Beesely autographing my painting
Asst. Governor Paul Edwards witnessing Ken's signature

Rotary Club of Espanola

Even though this club meets at 7:00 a.m. they are full of energy and get a lot done in their community. President Matt Rivera has set some aggressive goals for the year and after meeting with the club I think they will acheive them. Go Espanola!  A special thank you to Assistant Governor Paul Edwards for making the club meeting from Chama.

President Matt Rivera

Club Member Deborah Simon giving a handmade Guatemalan table runner

Rotary Club of Espanola Board of Directors Meeting

Rotary Clubs of Los Alamos and Espanola Social

We had such a great time in Los Alamos.  Even members of the Espanola Rotary Club joined us for Rotary Fellowship.  The food was excellent and the hospitality was wonderful.  It was good to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. 

                                          Rotary Club of Los Alamos Board of Directors                                
                                          Los Alamos Club President Thurman Talley
                                          Espanola Club member Deborah Simon
                                          Rotary Club of Los Alamos Board of Directors Meeting
                                          Fellow Rotarians from Los Alamos and Espanola

Monday, August 01, 2011

Rio Grande Academy in Albuquerque

We held our first District 5520 Rio Grande Academy ("RGA") on Saturday, July 30, 2011 in Albuquerque.  What a wonderful program!  RGA Chariman Bruce Bortner did a great job setting this up.  Rotarians from all over the district participated and the feedback was awesome!  PDG Rick Akins, Lt. Governor Bill Rothweiler and Foundation Chairman Tom Walker assisted Bruce Bortner in the facilitation of the course.  I look forward to getting this program started throughout our district!

    PDG Rick Akins and RGA Chariman Bruce Bortner
    discuss the course
      Fred Pugh from the Alb. Metro Club and
      Fred Bryant from the Alb. Del Norte Club
  RGA Chairman Bruce Bortner facilitating
    PDG Rick Akins facilitating