Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rotary Club of Las Cruces Rio Grande

I had a wonderful time visiting the Rotary Club of Las Cruces Rio Grande.  This club is so full of energy and have set some aggressive goals for the year.  President Sharon Debraal is excited about this year as she should be.  The club is really making a difference in Las Cruces.  Michele and I have been invited to attend their big event this year which is "Dress a Child".  We are really looking forward to it!  A special Thank You to Rotarian Ronnie Wright and her husband for allowing us to use their home for the board meeting and social.    The Club distributes a dictionary to every 3rd grader in the Las Cruces Public School System, holds a yard sale with the proceeds to the Mesilla Valley Hospice, and has already chosen a member of their club to serve as the New Generations Chairperson.  Way to go!!

Rotary Club of Las Cruces Rio Grande
Board of Directors Meeting

President Sharon DeBraal

Happy Bucks!!

Receiving gift from President Sharon DeBraal

President Sharon DeBraal

District Executive Secretary Loren Kuehne and
Student of the month from Onate High School Courtney Gavin

Exchange student from Finland Maria Ahonen

District Executive Secretary Loren and Nancy Kuehne

Sunday, September 25, 2011

GSE Team Selection

The evening started at Regina Guest-Rupert's home with a social and dinner.  Thank you so much to Regina and her husband Mark for hosting all of us!  A great time was had by all as we got to know the ten candidates.  The interviews took place the next morning.  What a wonderful group of candidates but the committee had to choose four team members and one alternate.  It was a difficult decision but the committee chose a wonderful team who will represent our district in South Africa at District 9350.  Congratulations to the team and I know you will have a great time!

GSE Social and dinner

GSE Chairman Yale Jones welcoming everyone!

Michele Wallace, RFP Chairwoman Donna Pedace,
Bill Pedace, Tony and Julie Pino

DGN Kit Turpen with Michele Wallace

GSE Committee getting ready to start

GSE Team Candidate Bryson McNeill from Silver City
GSE Team Candidate Lauren Nehls from Clovis

GSE Chairman Yale Jones
GSE Team Leader Julie Frendle
Team Member Dr. Richard Roland Snure from Silver City
Team Alternate Alysa Landry from Farmington
Team Member Emily Schultz-Fellenz from Los Alamos
Team Member Christina Kraemer from Los Alamos
Team Leader Alternate Carolyn Mitchell
Not Pictured Heather Antonissen from Taos