Saturday, July 02, 2011

Blood Drive July 1, 2011

Welcome to my first official blog of the new year.  Please subcribe and visit often to view what is happening throughout our district.  On July 1st, the Albuquerque and Rio Rancho Rotary Clubs completed their first service project on the very first day of the new Rotary year!  A blood drive was held at United Blood Services and was a huge success!!  Our goal was to have 60 donors and we had over 150 by the time it was over! Congratulations to all the Albuquerque and Rio Rancho Rotary Clubs for a job well done.  A special "thank you" to Evelyn Bryant, our District Blood Drive Chaiwoman, and Fred Bryant for all their hard work!

                                          DG Bobby Wallace, PP Fred Pugh, PDG Rick Akins
                                            Leroy Givens, Representing Alb. Del Sol Club
                                                  United Blood Services in Albuquerque
                                        Blood Drive Chairwoman Evelyn Bryant  with Fred Bryant

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