Sunday, March 11, 2012

District 5520 Council of Governors

The Council of Governors met and had dinner and fellowship.  This is a wonderful opportunity to see the Past District Governors and their spouses and to catch up on what is happening in each of our lives.  The next morning a meeting is held to allow the DG, DGE and DGN the opportunity to share with the Council of Governors what is happening in District 5520.  This is a great time to get advice and feedback from Past District Governors.

PDG Andy Anderson, PDG Henry Pick
PDG Rick Akins

Toni Turpen (spouse of DGN Kit Turpen)
Michele Wallace (spouse of DG Bobby Wallace)

PDG Bill DeGroot, PDG Henry Pick, Spouse Jane Rae DeGroot
Spouse Peggy Pick, Spouse Carolyn Edwards PDG Dennis Edwards

PDG Rick and Roz Akins

Council of Governors and their Spouses

DG Bobby Wallace and DGE Mark Glenn

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