Saturday, February 19, 2011

AG/LG Training - Deming - 2-11-11

DGE Bobby Wallace and DTrainer2011-12 & PDG Tom Lindsay had their AG/LG in Deming, NM.  It began with an opening session at the training center, then a mixer/dinner on the Friday night at Tom and Linda's house.  The next day (Sat) morning was also conducted at the training center.  Good outline for the expectations of the AG/LG and what DGE Bobby's vision is for the 2011-12 Rotary year. 

Loren (middle) in 'Loren' mode

Having found out that I had 'resigned' twice in the previous week, District Security Team member, AG Paul took it upon himself (and his best Jason imitation) to make my 'resignation' official!  and no I didn't resign.  Just bad rumor.... Imagine that!

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